Information for Visitors to GBC

Goldfields Baptist College welcomes visitors, including volunteers, contractors, families who are considering the College for enrolment, and those who would like to know more about the College, in general.

Upon arrival at the College, please use the main entrance, off the roundabout on Maguire Street, and park in the main car park in a marked bay.  Please enter the College via the Administration Building, which is to the left of the College oval, and speak to a member of the Administration Team.

Please be sure not to park/stand your vehicle alongside any yellow kerbing, which are no standing zones.


Visitors (including volunteers and contractors) to the College are expected to maintain extremely high standards of personal and professional conduct while on-campus at the College, and/or when in the presence of students and other members of the College community.  Goldfields Baptist College routinely has students as young as four years old enrolled, so visitor conduct must, at all times, be maintained to a standard that safeguards the wellbeing and welfare of extremely vulnerable and impressionable children.

Visitors are required to abide by the Volunteers’ and Contractors’ Code of Conduct at all times while on-campus.  In addition to the requirements within this Code of Conduct, visitors are expected to abide by equal opportunity and respectful workplace requirements.

As adults modelling appropriate behaviour in an environment overwhelmingly populated with children, visitors are expected to refrain from swearing or discussing inappropriate content amongst themselves.

All visitors should arrive at Reception, with their photo identification, and sign in.  Visitors will then be issued a Visitor Pass and will be escorted to approved designated work/visitor area/s by a Staff member.

Visitors must not wander the College campus.  If visitors require access to other areas, they should be escorted or directed by a Staff Member.

After hours/weekend work is to be carried out by prior arrangement only.  Arrangements can be made with either the Business Manager, Assets and Maintenance Manager, or an approved member of the Grounds Team.

It is preferred that volunteers and contractors hold a current and valid Working With Children card.

 Child Protection and Student Safety

At no time should visitors be present in an isolated area with a student or students, unless a staff member is present.  This requirement applies irrespective of familial or personal relationships with the student/s.

 Workplace Health and Safety

Visitors have a responsibility under Workplace Health and Safety legislation to take care of their own health and safety at work.  All visitors have a responsibility to ensure that their activities do not place their own safety at risk, or the safety of co-workers, students or other individuals that may come into contact with their work/services.

Any incidents, accidents, hazards or injuries must be reported to the Business Manager as soon as possible.  The Business Manager may request a written incident report be submitted after any accident, incident or near-miss.

If first aid assistance is required, visitors should contact Reception (located in the Administration building) or telephone (08) 9022 7535.

 Photography and Recording

Visitors must refrain from taking photos, especially of students and staff, unless accompanied by a staff member with delegated authority to permit photography and/or recording.

 Use of Alcohol, Drugs or Tobacco

Workplace Health and Safety is of fundamental importance to the College.  Maintaining a safe work environment requires the continuous co-operation of all stakeholders.

At no time should visitors attend the College while under the influence, or in possession, of alcohol or illicit drugs, or under the influence of medication or other drugs that may impair their capacity to perform their duties without putting at risk their own or other people’s health and safety.  Visitors are reminded that students can be extremely vulnerable and susceptible to emotional harm by witnessing the impacts of substances.

Visitors are not permitted to have alcohol, drugs, tobacco or any ‘vape’ products on their person whilst on-campus.

Goldfields Baptist College is smoke-free.  If visitors would like to smoke, they must sign out and move outside the College boundaries, preferably out of sight of students, and at a distance that does not pose a risk of smoke blowing or drifting into the presence of students.  Visitors must not smoke inside private vehicles whilst on-campus.

Contractors are reminded that isolated, fenced-off worksites on-campus are included in this requirement.

 Access to Toilets

Access to student toilets/bathrooms is unacceptable for adult visitors, except with the express permission of the College Executive.  If any adult visitors require the use of a toilet/bathroom while on-campus, they should speak to a member of staff for direction to a staff facility.

If a visitor’s designated work area is in student toilets/bathrooms, the area will be closed to students, and/or a staff member will be delegated to supervise work being undertaken.

 Engaging with Students

For visitors not engaged to interact with students (e.g. contractors), any interaction with students, beyond casual greetings initiated by the student, must have prior approval from the College Executive.

Any visitors who are engaged to interact with students (e.g. guest speakers, parent helpers, etc.) must have a staff member present with them at all times, unless they have prior approval from the College Executive.

Visitors are not permitted to gift food or other items to students without approval by, and in the presence of, a College Staff Member.

 Safe Work Practice

Contractors are reminded that additional care must be taken when working around or with children.  As appropriate, areas of work that pose possible threats to student safety must be cordoned off.

 Emergency Evacuation Procedure

In the event of an evacuation or lockdown, visitors should follow the procedural instructions on the Emergency Evacuation Procedures card, located on the rear of their Visitor Pass.  If visitors are unsure of any of these instructions, they should ask for support/guidance from Administration staff at the time of receiving their Visitor Pass.

In the event of an emergency, visitors must follow the directions of designated Safety Officers, who will be identifiable by red or white high-visibility safety vests.

 Music and Other Media

Visitors should ensure that any music/radio/media broadcasts that are audible to students do not contain profanity or obscenity and are appropriate (to the judgement of the College Executive) in a school environment.  Visitors are reminded that Goldfields Baptist College is a Kindergarten to Year 12 campus, so students within hearing range may be as young as four years old.

 Non-Compliance with the Code of Conduct

Non-compliance with the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action being taken.  Should there be a perceived need for disciplinary action, this will only be determined by the College Executive, following an investigation, unless it is a minor issue that is dealt with informally.  Action may include, but is not limited to:

  • Reprimand/correction;
  • Request for compensation of damages incurred as a result of the visitor’s actions;
  • Formal complaint made with the visitor’s employer, if they are visiting the College in a professional capacity;
  • Submission of a notification to the Western Australian Police, which is required if criminal conduct is suspected;
  • Submission of a notification to the Working With Children Screening Unit, which is required if it is reasonably suspected that a visitor has been charged with, or convicted of, an offence which makes it inappropriate for them to continue to carry out child-related work;
  • Submission of a notification to the Teacher Registration Board, which is required if the volunteer is a registered teacher and an investigation has commenced (or concluded) where the Principal is of the opinion that there is reason to believe a teacher has engaged in serious misconduct, or has been seriously incompetent;
  • Submission of a notification to the Ombudsman of Western Australia under the Reportable Conduct Scheme, which is required if the volunteer is engaged to work with students and is suspected or accused of: sexual offences or misconduct against, with, or in the presence of a child, physical assault against, with, or in the presence of a child, significant neglect of a child, or behaviour that causes significant emotional or psychological harm to a child;
  • Suspension of duties;
  • Exclusion from the College (temporary or ongoing);
  • Restricted access to the College (temporary or ongoing);
  • Termination of agreement/contract, if engaged in a professional capacity;
  • Civil action.