Our Mission Statement

At GBC, we are creating a flourishing educational community that is being transformed by the Truth of God's word.

We are nurturing and equipping each person for life, empowering them to be thriving contributors in the world.

Our Purpose

To provide an authentic Christian education that equips students to be the best that they can and enables them
to impact their world.

Our Values


Spiritually, gifts and talents, knowledge, experience, love.


Through relationships, displaying resilience and perseverance, to God's kingdom, through our character and identity in Christ.


For one another, serving our community, respecting our environment.

College Ethos

Goldfields Baptist College is a Christian College, as such the College’s guiding ethos is built upon a Biblical foundation of Christ-centredness; Imago Dei and the inherent value placed on each and every individual, as an image-bearer of God; inclusivity and belonging; thriving community; and integrity, in accordance with the College’s Statement of Faith.