Secondary Student Leadership

Students in all Secondary year levels have the opportunity to serve on the Secondary Student Leadership in different positions, which allows them the chance to take on a role of increased responsibility in their class and the Secondary section of the College.

In Term Four, incoming and existing students are able to nominate, campaign and run for a position on the Secondary Student Leadership for the following year. Information for incoming students is made available, following enrolment, and as part of the Orientation Day information provided to families.

Structure of the Secondary Student Leadership

The Secondary Student Leadership has a number of different roles and portfolios, with varying areas of focus and responsibility. They include:

  • Student Representative Council - one-two representatives from each year level (depending on size of the cohort), whose primary role is to be the voice of the year level to the Student Leadership and College Leadership
  • Arts Captain - one student from Years 7-12, whose primary role is to promote, support and enhance student engagement with the Arts both within GBC and in the wider Goldfields community

  • Community Captain - one student from Years 7-12, whose primary role is to promote, support and enhance student engagement with both the GBC and wider Goldfields communities

  • Technologies Captain - one student from Years 7-12, whose primary role is to promote, support and enhance student engagement with Technologies both within GBC and in the wider Goldfields community

  • House Captains - one student from each of Calvin, Luther and Wesley, only from Years 9-12, whose primary role is to promote, support and enhance House spirit and engagement with all College activities and carnivals

  • Christian Life Captain - one student from Years 10-12, whose primary role is to promote, support and enhance students' Christian life both within GBC and in the wider Goldfields community

  • Head Boy, Head Girl and Deputies - one male and one female student (Heads), and one male and one female student (Deputies) from Years 10-12, whose primary roles are to promote, support and enhance students' experiences at Goldfields Baptist College, represent the
    College in the wider community, and lead and manage the entire Secondary Student Leadership

Roles and Responsibilities of SSL's

The Secondary Student Leaders serve the College in the following ways:

  • Hold fortnightly Secondary Student Meetings, to give notices, make announcements and allow for the presentation of awards
  • Being approachable to all students in the College, who would like to share suggestions or concerns, or ask questions
  • Attend regular meetings to share student feedback and initiatives, spearhead activities/fundraising initiatives, and implement change
  • Attend regular meetings with the Primary Student Leadership and College Leadership Team (Principal, Deputy Principal, Primary and Secondary Team Leaders, and other lead-teachers) to share ideas and student feedback, plan events and implement innovations at GBC
  • During lunchtime music for Secondary students each Friday
  • Running the sound and/or lighting tech for College Assemblies and events
  • Organise and carry out fundraising initiatives
  • Represent the College internally and at community events, as required
  • Assisting staff with the organisation and running of functions and events
  • Hosting visitors and new families to the College, by offering tours and information sessions
  • Other duties, as required

Benefits of serving as a SSL

Students who serve on the Secondary Student Leadership receive the following inherent benefits:

  • Christ-like service to peers and staff (learning through serving others)
  • Access to the SSL Common Room for meetings and during lunchtimes
  • Participation in the SSL Camp at the start of the year
  • Participation in the SSL Reward Day at the end of the year
  • Discounted school fees for successful completion of the year as a SSL
  • Being a role model to peers both in the Primary and Secondary sections of the College
  • Being a trusted and respected representative of the Secondary student body
  • Opportunities to meet with and get to know the College Leadership Team, and see ideas put into action