
The Secondary years are an important transition from the formative years of Primary education, and maximise student ambitions and academic choice, as they progress through to independence and adulthood.  Students are encouraged to set realistic goals and to aspire to personal excellence in their studies.  Implementing the Western Australian Curriculum helps to create confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens.

GBC endeavours to provide a Christ-centred, Biblical perspective on education, which is relevant and applicable to daily life.  Our students are learning to see the world around us from a Christian perspective through interactive and vibrant learning opportunities.  While GBC teaches to the Western Australian Curriculum, we do so from within a Christian context, which can have an impact on the way that certain elements of the curriculum are approached and delivered, particularly with regard to the delivery of some elements of the Health curriculum.  If you have any questions or queries about the way that GBC delivers the Western Australian Curriculum within a Christian context, please feel free to contact (insert link to contact us page) the College to make an appointment with the Secondary Team Leader, Deputy Principal or Principal.

Students study a prescribed programme from Years Seven-Ten, which will generally include English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, Health, Physical Education and Christian Studies.  Christian Studies is a compulsory subject at GBC, and serves as an opportunity for students to broaden and deepen their understanding of Christianity, Christian faith, and its place within a predominantly secular modern Australia/the world.  Christian Studies are not indoctrination or 'recruitment' classes, but are an opportunity for students to question, challenge and query their understanding of Christianity, while learning about faith and what it involves.

Complementing this prescribed programme are the College’s range of Arts, Technologies and Physical Education subjects. Students in Years Seven and Eight enjoy learning from two of each of the semester-long Arts and Technologies courses, whilst students in Years Nine and Ten take on a year-long major elective and either a year-long or two semester-based minor electives.  Year Ten students also have the choice of completing two units of Work Place Learning throughout the year, in lieu of their minor elective, however it is the responsibility of the student to catch up on any work missed as a result of completing Work Place Learning.

Parents/carers are able to monitor their child's academic progress through the Compass Continuum and Compass Learning Tasks.  For more information, see the Compass 'How-To' section.


All students from Years Seven to Ten are expected to complete semesterly examinations at GBC. The College believes that participation in examinations serves many purposes in equipping students for life, including promoting a level of academic rigour in their approach to their schooling; promoting the development of coping skills and strategies for potentially stressful situations in a safe context; promoting the development of time-management skills and strategies in potentially stressful or demanding situations in a safe context; preparing students for the rigour and pressure of academic examinations in Senior Secondary and University contexts; and offering students a different opportunity to demonstrate their academic knowledge and understanding, among other purposes and benefits.

Modifications and other strategies are able to be implemented to support students who find the examination period intimidating or overwhelming for any reason. Families/students should contact their Pastoral Care Teacher and/or the Specific Needs Co-Ordinator, in order to discuss student needs.

The examination timetable is determined by the College Leadership Team during the previous academic year, and is accessible to families on the Compass calendar (accessed via the Compass website, not the Compass app).  As such, families should plan commitments around the
examination period, to ensure student attendance at school for each of their examinations.

  In the event of illness, bereavement or other limited extenuating circumstances, families may apply for special consideration for deferral of an examination, using the form below.  Please note, under the School Education Act 1999, family holidays or travel are not acceptable reasons for non-attendance at school or deferral of examinations.

Application for special consideration or deferred examination 


The College canteen reinforces nutrition messages being taught in the classroom by modelling healthier food and drink choices that are tasty, interesting and affordable. This has the potential to influence food choices by students in the wider community, and help to equip students with the knowledge they need to continue to make healthy choices throughout their adult lives.

The role of the College canteen is to provide a food service to students and staff that is part of a whole-school approach that supports healthy eating, is affordable and financially sustainable.

As part of our endeavour to have a healthy school, we encourage students to reduce their intake of sugar and caffeine and, therefore, do not have soft drinks for sale at the canteen. For the same reason, students are not permitted to bring soft drinks or caffeinated drinks to school.  Students who bring soft drinks and/or highly caffeinated 'energy' drinks on-campus will have them confiscated.

Canteen orders should be placed in the boxes outside the Primary area before school, or students and parents can order from the Canteen online through Compass.  EFTPOS is available at the College Canteen.

To order Canteen items on QuickCliq, please ensure you have registered for an account.

Click here to download the Canteen Menu

 Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 3pm - 4pm.

Orders can be purchased online via Compass, following the Shop link at any time. Your order will then be picked and packed and sent home with your child, or you can collect from Reception.

When ordering sports shirts and bucket hats, please be sure to select the correct House (Faction: Calvin, Luther or Wesley), as the sports shirts feature a coloured sleeve and side strip, according to students' allocated House.

You may attend the Uniform Shop in person to check sizing. We are able to accept Cash for uniform purchases either at the uniform shop or at Reception.  If you wish to use credit card please do so via the Compass website or app to make your uniform purchase.

If you are attending the Uniform Shop in person, we are able to accept Cash and EFTPOS for new Uniform items.

Cash payments are required for the purchase of second-hand uniform items and second-hand text books.

It is not compulsory for Kindergarten students to wear the College Uniform, however the College Sports Uniform may be worn, at parents' discretion.

Pre-Primary students wear the College Sports Uniform at all times.

Students in all other year levels wear the College Formal Uniform on most days, and the College Sports Uniform on days that they have scheduled Health and Physical Education classes. On special occasions/for special events, staff will give instructions to students on which uniform should be worn.

Please note the Uniform Shop does not stock some items of the uniform (e.g. school shoes and socks), so families will need to purchase these items from their preferred store.

For a full refund on return of new items, they must have the label or tag still attached and be unsoiled, undamaged and in original packaging.

*Prices are subject to change without notification.

For the full Uniform Policy, please click here.

Please note that students' unclaimed uniform and other items will be placed in Lost Property (located in the Administration Building) for a period.  If items remain unclaimed, they will be disposed of at the College's discretion.


 2025 Book Lists

Goldfields Baptist College uses Office National as our primary supplier for our annual book lists.  Families may choose to order through Office National, or source the listed items through another supplier, if preferred.  If families are sourcing items through another supplier, they are asked to please ensure that items at least meet the specified sizes/dimensions/function of all items listed.  Staff are careful not to add arbitrary items to the book lists, so please ensure that the listed quantities are met, for students completing the entire year in a class.  Families who may be enrolling mid-year should speak with College staff about book list quantities.

Click the links below to download the Book Lists for 2025. Please note the cut off date for guaranteed supply is 18 December 2024. .

Year Seven Book List

Year Eight Book List

Year Nine Book List

Year Ten Book List

 Fees & Forms

School Fees

College Fees - Invoices

For students starting at the beining of the year, the invoices will be sent by the end of February.
For students starting at any other time during the year, expect the invoice within a month of their start date.

Should you have any queries, please contact the Finance Officer directly:

2025 Schedule of Fees

Forms & Downloads

Student Withdrawal Form

2025 BYO Device Suitability Requirements

Student Code of Conduct Secondary


Goldfields Baptist College uses Compass as our main means of communication between the College and families.  For further information on how to use Compass, please access this link, or come in to see us in Reception.